Dear Engineers of South Central Railway !
Due to some technical lag in the web site, I could not able to bring this post to you in time. But, I believe, better late than never. In fact it is an immense pleasure for me to narrate about Engineers’ Day celebrated on 15th September 2010 at Rail Nilayam Auditorium, Secunderabad on the eve of 149th Birth Anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Visveswaraya under the able leadership of Er.Arumugam Kannan.
The function commenced with the welcome address by Er.A.Kannan, President, SCREA. The president invited esteemed guests Er. S.P.Sahu, CTE/SCR; Er.S.K.Singla, CBE/SCR; Er.Sanjeev Agarwal, CE/TM and Sri Amit Goel, CE/TP on to the dais.
Honored guests lightened the lamp. Er.Viswanadham, General Secretary of SCREA; Er.Ali Baig, Organizing Secretary/AIREF; Er.K.Venkata Ramana, Addl.General Secretary/SCREA; Er.Jayaram, Vice President/SCREA handed over flower bouquets to the guests.
Er.S.P.Sahu, Chief Track Engineer of SCRly remembered the valuable services rendered by Sri Mokshagundam Visveswaraya, the eminent engineer from India and gave his valuable suggestions to the gathered engineers.
Er.Pradeep Kumar, Principal Chief Engineer of South Central Railway joined the seminar despite of his prescheduled video conference of DRMs and other branch officers of the divisions with General Manager of SC Rly. PCE/SCR inaugurated the “RAIL ENGINEER”- a Souvenir published by SCREA. PCE expressed his immense pleasure for celebrating Engineers’ Day by SCREA and also expressed his happiness to be among so many engineers on this auspicious day.
Er.A.Kannan gave his presidential address and elaborated the cause and need for the formation of South Central Railway Engineers’ Association and its progression in the past 9 months. He also explained about the lead taken by AIREF towards achievement of revised designations and also the progression towards our long pending demands of Higher grade pay with Gazetted status.
Er.Viswanadham addressed the gathered engineers and emphasized the need of transformation from Nation Builders to Nation Movers. He submitted a paper on “THE ROLE OF ENGINEERS IN ENSURING RAIL SAFETY” and need to follow the rules framed in various Codes and Manuals. He requested all engineers to take an OATH and commit themselves to achieve accident free Railways.
Er.K.Venkata Ramana, SSE/Mech/WS and Joint General Secretary/SCREA presented a paper in the safety seminar on “THE ROLE OF ENGINEERS IN ENSURING RAIL SAFETY”. He touched every angle of the safety and explained how accidents can be prevented on Railways through his power point presentation with narration. The presentation made all the gathered engineers spell bound and audience gave an ovation at the end of presentation.
Er. Jayaram and Er.K.Chandrasekhar, SSEs/Electrical jointly presented paper in the Safety seminar on the steps to be taken to ensure safety in execution of various works.
In all, around 250 engineers from Engineering, Mechanincal, Electrical and S&T Departments have participated in the celebrations. Deputy Chief Engineers, Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers from Engineering Open Line, Construction, and Mechanical departments have attended the celebrations as well as Safety Seminar and conveyed their wishes to SCREA. A high tea was served during the course of function.
Er. Venkata Ramana conveyed vote of thanks to every person who extended their support in making this function such a grand success. He conveyed his special and sincere thanks to those firms and companies who encouraged to bring a beautiful souvenir by SCREA.
Banner on the Dais |
Esteemed Guests on the Dais (Er.S.K.Singla, CBE/SCR; Er.S.P.Sahu, CTE/SCR; Er.Amit Goel, CE/TP and Er.Sanjeev Agarwal, CE/TM) |
President's address by Er.A.Kannan, President/SCREA |
Message from Er.S.P.Sahu, CTE/SCR to gathered engineers |
Honouring Sir M.Visweswaraya with garland. |
General Secretary's address along with deliberation of Role of Engineers' in Rail Safety by Er.Viswanadh, General Secy/SCREA |
Powerpoint Presentation on Role of engineers in Rail Safety by Er.K.Venkata Ramana, Jt. Genl.Secy/SCREA |
Inauguration of Souvenir by Er.Pradeep Kumar, PCE/SCR and the Chief Guest of the Function |
Distribution of Souvenir |
Display of RAIL ENGINEER- Souvenir released by SCREA by Honoured Guests |
Message from Cheif Guest to the gathered engineers |
Presentation of paper on Role of Engineers in Rail Safety by Er.K.Chandra Sekhar, VI/Electrical |
Organizers infront of the Banner |
Gathered Engineers of SCR |
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