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Saturday, April 6, 2013



 It is high time for every Rail Engineer of the Indian Railways to take a decision with their soul. All of you are aware that the cadre of Engineers is suppressed badly and the social status is thumped  to depths in every pay commission. We are undergoing delusion in every stage in the hands of so called recognized trade unions. It is an undeniable fact that none of the federations represented the cadre of Engineers' to their true spirit. This is the root cause of formation of Zonal Engineers' Associations under the aegis of All India Railway Engineers' Federation. 

     In the light of forth coming elections, now, once again the Federations are showering step mother love on Engineers. Whatever is achieved out of the struggle of Engineers' Associations and AIREF, is being claimed as their achievement. Today, once again they are hugging the Rail Engineers and stating that they are their blessed children and giving praising the efforts of Rail engineers in keeping the IR is in the forefront of the Global Railways.  

     Dear SCREANs, we plead that - Beware of the traitors. All of us know the facts. Don't tempt for the baits. Now these so called labour organizations are offering posts of Office Bearers to engineers and trying to attract them with gimmicks. 

    Dear Engineers ! A vote is the most powerful weapon in Democracy. It changes the fate of an organization or a country or yet times the global scenario. So let us think intelligently.

"WHOEVER COMES TO US--LET THEM COME WITH THEIR ELECTION 'MANIFESTO'- Let them spell out what they are going to do for the betterment of RAIL ENGINEERS. Let them assure that their PNM or JCM will definitely contains the ill fate of Rail Engineers. Then only our VOTE will be CAST. 

    On behalf of the SCREA, I plead all Rail Engineers to be unite in this context. Definitely this brings a considerable change in the attitude of labour organizations towards the Engineers.


General Secretary/SCREA & President/SCREA